Thursday 24 March 2011

A C T I O N - P L A N

G321 Foundation Production: Action Plan

This is a quick action plan to explain some of the decisions that I have made about my music magazine and the planning of what I have yet to do.

What I plan to call the magazine: SOUNDWAVE
I have chosen this name because it’s simple and unique. It represents itself as a music magazine with no specific target audience. This word is often associated with new music such as rock than classical so it suits the genre (Soundwave is all 1 word).
My reader profile: Young 16-25 year old males and females who have a deep love for music. The audiences preferences could range from electronic rock to heavy metal, but they appreciate any kind of rock music. This audience would most likely be in further education, enjoy video games and watching television and hanging with their friends. It’s the kind of person who would follow a magazine.
Ideas for the front cover image (remember that this is what makes or breaks the magazine sales) : Image of a band, maybe with a female singer in the front which would show that the magazine aims at both genders. Plane white background or maybe patterned wallpaper in the background to show sophistication. Eye contact, and slightly gothic/punk clothing and looking serious. Image should overlap title like they do in professional magazines?
What do I need to do to achieve this? (how to find your model, location etc)
1. Set up garage with white background 4. Wardrobe and makeup = rock
2. Get my camera set up with lighting 5. Take multiple photographs
3. Chose friends maybe age 18+ to model 6. Edit & enhance on Photoshop
Ideas for the main cover line and other sell lines( and tag line): The main cover line could just be the bands name and then ‘exclusive interview’ written underneath it to show the main article. The tag line will be ‘Music to the max’
Pencil draft of front cover on separate paper
(A pencil draft will have a clear idea of layout, colour, style, language, and representation of the teen audience)
Ideas for the contents page:
There will be three sections: features, regulars and reviews. I will have about 20 pages featured, e.g. 8 Features, 8 Regulars and 4 Reviews to create a balance. The letter from the editor will be down the left hand side of the contents page, like it is on most magazines, and there will be a picture of one of the featured bands/artists.
What do I need to do to achieve this?
4. Create the sections in a publisher doc 4. Write articles into 3 sections
5. Write the letter from the editor 5. Brief summary of the articles
6. Get pic of editor and another feature band 6. Advertisement at the bottom?
Pencil draft of the contents page on separate paper.
Ideas for the double page spread – type of feature.
The feature will be of an upcoming band that is going to release an album. It will most likely be a question and answer interview with all of the band members discussing their work and their sort of music. It will have at least one big image of the band and their band logo.
What do I need to do to achieve this?
7. Research into Q+A interviews 4. Write answers to the question
8. Get image of the band and their title 5. Put in a presentable layout
9. Create questions for the band 6. Input design/colours in a publisher document.

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