Thursday 24 March 2011

R E V I E W - R E S E A R C H

The objective of this part of my research was to look at a review that was published by a music magazine (in this case I chose NME) and look at the features that it has in it and the style of the writing that it use, identifying techniques and methods.
The Music magazines review that I have chosen to study is an article reviewing ‘Magnetic Man’ the album.
The article was written by Sam Wolfson. Some of the features that I recognized from this article are:
The writer used formal language
Use of relatively complex descriptive words.
Most of the sentences were long.
Paragraphs were about 6 lines long.
There was 1 line spaced between each paragraph.
The font was bold for names.
The writer recognizes its music type and target audience.
Rule of 3, rhetorical questions and similes are used (language skills).
Shows both critical and supporting views. + and –
They have a rating for it out of 10. (e.g. 8 out of 10)

I am still currently unsure if I am going to feature an interview or review as the main article of my music magazine, however, I am more interested in doing an interview because it will allow the language to be more conversational and help to personally engage the reader and make them feel involved rather than just reading informaion about an album and a very analytical rating system.

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