Friday 25 March 2011

I N - W H A T - W A Y - D O E S - S O U N D W A V E - U S E / D E V E L O P / C H A L L E N G E - F O R M S - A N D - C O N V E N T I O N S - O F - M E D I A - P R O D U C T S

I have not challenged the conventions of the sell lines by using many with descriptions underneath. However, I have developed this by putting some of the sell lines in block colours which means the audience is drawn to the more important articles because they stand out.
The normal colours of rock music magazines are usually blacks and reds. I was originally going to make my magazine green, however, because i wanted to challenge the norm and appeal to female reader more than males, i decided to make it deep, rich purple colour to make sure it appeared different to the other rock magazines and stood out on a shelf.
The majority of band features have pictures of the whole band on the font, such as NME and MetalHammer, but i decided that i wanted to have jut the lead singer on the front of my band, because she was female and could appeal to the female audience as well as male, and some women could feel intimidated by an all male band on the cover, as if they do not fit in the target audience and they would not want to read it.
Here are some demonstrations of traditional rock magazine covers:

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