Friday 25 March 2011

H O W - D I D - Y O U - A T T R A C T / A D D R E S S - Y O U R - T A R G E T - A U D I E N C E ?

The front cover of a magazine is the most important way to attract an audience because it is the first part of the magazine they will see, even before purchase.
Some techniques used on the front cover of the music magazine include eye contact from the large picture of the artist on the cover, which helps to grab the attention of the reader and draw them in. Other techniques such as bold, outlined text and colours help to attract the audience visually.
The text on the front cover (and also in the contents page) help to address the target audience by involving them in the magazine and addressing them directly using words such as ‘you’ and ‘your’. Another way to help address the audience is displayed on the cover as the phrase ‘DON’T MISS!’ which includes capital letters and an exclamation mark to draw attention and excite or alert the reader. The personal and informal language like in the letter from the editor helps to involve the reader because it is as if they are reading a letter to them, instead of just information.
The conversation between the interviews host and the band on the double page spread article acts as a conversation which is much easier to read and more involving, attracting the audience by making things easier to manage. The contents page addresses the needs of the audience because it shows them all articles and what pages that they can be found on. It also meets the need further by sorting them into sections, ‘Featured’, ‘Regular’ and ‘ Reviews’.

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