Thursday 24 March 2011


Now that I have a reader profile and a specific target audience, I have created a questionnaire to gain information about what my target audience wants to see in their ideal magazine. I've used open questions so that the audience can elaborate on their answers so that I can obtain as much information from them as possible. Here is a copy of the design of my questionnaire:

Music Magazine Audience Querstionnaire
15. What do you not want to see in a music magazine?
1. What would you call a new music magazine aimed at 16 – 25 year olds? (The genre of music features ranging from electronic rock to heavy metal)2. How many pages would you like the magazine to have?
3. How much would you be willing to pay for the magazine?
4. How often would you purchase a music magazine?
5. What colour scheme should the magazine have? Suggest at least 2 colours.
6. What sort of image on the front cover (including props and background) would appeal to you?
7. Identify 3 possible sell lines for the magazine.
8. Give 3 key words that you would expect to see o n the front of a rock music magazine.
9. What style of magazine would you like, glossy or not (Sophisticated or relaxed)?
10. Would you like the text to be a formal style or non-formal?
11. What sort of artists would you like to be featured in a magazine (e.g. bands/solo artists)? 
12. Would you like more text than images, the opposite or a balance (including the cover)?
13. Do you have any other favourite form of media (e.g. television/internet)?
14. What would make you want to read the letter from the editor?

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