Thursday 24 March 2011

S T U D E N T - R E A D E R - P R O F I L E

 Before giving out the questionnaire, I have to assign a desired audience for my school magazine. I would like the magazine to be informative and intillectual with advice and skills shared with readers. This is the reader profile that I have designed for my school magazine:

Reader Profile

Name:  ?
Age: Between 17 and 19. Maybe at a stretch 21 if they’re immature.
Gender: Female
Subject: Studying the more academic subjects in university, such as a science or English. Not maths.
Likes & Dislikes: She likes to be alone when she is studying, and believes that other people and university roommates can be a total distraction her important work, yet still likes to relax and watch at least a few hours of television or be on the internet for a while every day. The slightly quiet but friendly person you can go and talk to if you have no one else to got to. She’s that girl who sits outside Starbucks having a coffee with her laptop right in front of her nose on her lunch breaks. She likes to read and surf the internet on her trusty laptop. She dislikes people who are loud and inconsiderate, which can distract her from working in school or be rude to her. Even though she may seem a loner, a few days a week she would hang out with other people like her, who are relaxed, and like to chill with each other rather than rant about who slept with who last weekend. She also dislikes Chick-Flick movies, dogs and broccoli.
Local to Shepway: Living on campus of her small University or maybe with her parents at home on weekends with both younger and older brothers and sisters that she doesn’t spend much time with.
Music taste: No particular taste in music but prefers rock and likes bands such as ‘Paramour’ and ‘Bullet for my Valentine’. She will listen to anything except ‘Eminem’. For most people, this is a social advantage because the wide range of music that she listens to make similarities in taste between most people. For example, she could be friends with a rocker and someone that loved club music.
Clothing: She can be seen lounging around her room most of the time in a slightly baggy jumper or tee-shirt wearing jeans and slippers. In class and when going out on weekends, she would swap the jumper for a nicer, but not too flashy top and the slippers for casual trainers.
Attitude to learning : Enjoys school and learning, finding science (or English) fascinating. She is focussed in school and knows that her education is key for success in the future. However, sometimes workloads can be too big and she can just want to give up and relax on the sofa when she has a long essay due in the very next day.
Career choices: No real career in mind and is attending university and studying a basic subject to hide away from the working world, seeing as she’s a little too lazy to go get a job, and there are none around anyway.
Hangout: Her main hangout would be her room or her bedroom on the University campus.  When she goes out, which is usually in the day time on weekends, she will go to town, wither on her own if she has something to do or to hang out with her few girlfriends looking around shops.
Sandwidges or school dinners: Sandwidges, she knows what’s in them, and can always have seconds if she want them, seeing as she’d be making them herself.
Travel: When she’s not living at school, she likes to walk there and when she goes out to town she would walk there form her University or house. But if she has to go really far then she will take the bus, which she hates doing alone in case she is confronted by a strange old lady telling her that she looks like her grand daughter… again.
Weekend activities: Going into town to do some shopping for a new item of clothing to replace another broken one, or go out with her other friends and go to the cinema or a day out like visit the zoo. If there’s nothing else to do and no homework, she’ll watch TV all day.
Find and label the person that you are looking for to develop a profile for the person who is in your target audience. Label everything about them, interests, age, star sign etc…

I am now going to target a female audiencer who are students in their late teens are are thinking about going to a University or are possibly in their first year of studying there. These sort of girs will be who I shall hand out my questionnaire to.

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