Friday 25 March 2011

H O W - D O E S - S O U N D W A V E - R E P R E S E N T - A - P A R T I C U L A R - S O C I A L - G R O U P

The social group that I aimed to represent through my magazine were confident teenagers passionate about music.
I have shown this through various ways, such as the appearance of the people in the magazine, being the same age of the group and showing their confidence through their expressions,
The ideas and values of the group are shown through the language used in the presentation. E.g. on my contents page, the readers are shown to be involved in the magazine and their artists by an article about what the readers have to say. The mannerisms or personality of the group are represented through the relaxed, informal use of language in both the interview and editors letter. This personal way of speaking gives connotations of friendliness and that they are good people. This can be reinforced when the ‘Desolate Saints’ say that they admire their fans.
In the interview of the band, the social group is represented at intelligent or talented in terms of music because most members of the featured band can read music and play multiple instruments. The fact that they met in college (shown by an answer in the interview) also suggests that the social group are educated people who enjoy school and have ambition to do well because of taking further education. The groups ambition is also expressed by their plans for the future and how they express that they want to do well and win awards for their music.
The social group is shown to consume music through the internet and television, which is shown on the contents page and double page spread because the band have a website and the contents page has an advert for a new music television channel.

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