Thursday 24 March 2011

R E A D E R - P R O F I L E - D E S I G N

Music Magazine Reader Profile
Location: It is for people living in the UK.
My target audience are the kind of people who instead of going out to town shopping will pile round their mates house to play video games whilst listening to loud rock music. They appreciate all kinds of music but prefer rock and have a keen interest in the personalities and lifestyles of artists and bands. They’re that kind of person in their late teens who is chilled, open and always plugged into a booming set of earphones.
Anything ‘usual’, posh people, seafood, old people, babies and anyone who disagrees with their taste in music or the way that they dress.
Anyone from any kind of background who can afford a magazine, it could be an intelligent, rebelling female who is in her late teens living with their parents in a large house or a 20 year old man who lives in a studio flat above a shop who never got on well at school.
Playing in a band or attending local or large scale gigs, gaming, crafts or painting, anything to do with technology.
Music, video games, television, films, bands and artists, the latest information on what music is available, anything to do with technology, slightly interested in education (if they are still into education) and their own personal styles and partying.
The reader audience could be unemployed, still living at home with their parents, have a job or go to university; it doesn’t matter so much to the magazine along as they are young rock music lovers.
I am targeting at anyone from the age of about 16 – 22 (although the magazine may gain some audiences a few yeas younger or older).
There is no gender preference for this magazine. It is targeted at both males and females, however, the magazine will be targeted more towards females (to make a change to the many masculin rock magazines currently available).

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