Friday 25 March 2011

L O O K I N G - B A C K - A T - Y O U R - P R E L I M I N A R Y - T A S K - W H A T - D O - Y O U - T H I N K - Y O U - H A V E - L E A R N T - I N - T H E - P R O G R E S S I O N ?

During the process of making my school magazine and the music magazine, I felt that I have learn lot’s of different things, such as the amount of research required for a successful production of a magazine and the fact that every tiny detail matters and has to be related to the connotations and regulation of the magazine. After making the school magazine and receiving feedback, I learnt that everything that is included in SOUNDWAVE has to have a relevant reason for being there that can be related to the target audience or purpose of the magazine.
Time management and photography were not much different when comparing the making of both magazine, but the structure and layout of them significantly changed.
As well as there being more content in the full production, the arrangement of sell lines and information on the cover was planned in much more detail to ensure that the appearance of the cover flows more and there is not more information cluttering the cover than there needs to be. The research into what sell lines my target audience wanted, (which was done by asking them through a questionnaire) showed me that more tag lines and assertive language needed to be used. This shows an improvement in researching when compared to my preliminary task because I did not ask these questions to the school magazines target audience.
The language and structure of the contents page in SOUNDWAVE shows that there was development in arranging the layouts of pages into sections such as ‘featured’ ‘regulars’ and ‘reviews’. This was done through looking at and comparing other music magazines to see what they had, whereas in the mock up of the school magazines contents page, no research was put into what the readers would want and how they would like it to be displayed.
Even though I didn’t create a double page spread article for my preliminary task, I found that I made improvements when creating the article on the Desolate Saints in SOUNDWAVE, through looking at the language used by other journalists and artists being interviewed in other magazines.

Preliminary task cover:

Main task cover:

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